Initially founded one December 21st, 2024, the 1221 Project was begun by Ben Trombly with two goals. First being to provide warm drinks to the people he cared about the most. And two, to remove elephants like Ernie here from the threat of poaching, by way of giving them permanent homes. Since its inception, the foundation has completed over...
This product of the effort is critical to keeping any client happy and caffeinated. The founder initially used this for such ends before branching out the Project. The design is goofy, and sometimes messy, but come on. He's just damn cute.
This mug is the Project's absolute best put forward. No matter when. If you just need something to help you through a hard morning, Bert's there for you. To the staff here, Bert symbolizes the conservation message of the Project.
Spot of our first date where we shared the elephant mugs
333 Park St, Birmingham Michigan
Time until the next 12/21 <3 As of right now, it is Day 57
Time until graduation and your birthday! Remember how I'm so proud of you and college is going to be great <3
Hi buddy, in case you can't tell, I have zero clue how to make a website lol. But, buying the domain rights and designing the shirt was easy, thankfully. I had to start over a couple times and your friends and Sid got to watch me stress out about it. Overall, I gave the sweatshirt a pretty minimal design that's not immediately recognizable as a romantic gift. This is not only so you can wear it and not feel embarrassed, but it also doesn't alert your family that there's a boy in your life. One who gives awesome gifts (which there is). Your friends know the context behind it, so I get you won't wear it to school or anything because you'll be made fun of. But I know you love your comfort clothes, so this and the shirt can always serve as a pretty sappy and admittedly fan reminder of how I feel about you. This site will be up for months at the least and I can always renew it. I know the whole mug thing up top is pretty silly, but I hope you thought it was cute. Mainly, I just want you to have something for when I'm not around. Those times when you wish I was there so you could lean on my shoulder. When you're tired after work or studying and I'm long asleep. When I'm working all day and you wish we had to the time to lay down together. It's a little oversized and cozy, so that with our anniversary and the elephants on it, I hope it can give you some comfort.
When I was first thinking of what to put here, I had this unrealistic idea that I could be eloquent and charming in telling you certain things. That I could wrap it up shortly at the end of this website that's only meant for you. I wanted to try something new and make it sweet for you. But Elaina there's no easy way for me to tell you. In the time since we've become friends-of-friends to now feeling like you're one of the closest people to me, I have come to care about you so much. I've always thought your smile was cute. For years I've thought that—along with your personality. But, I thought we were just friends and that I was making it up in my head. But I did sometimes notice how we got along in a unique way. After being confused about it for a long time, feelings came and went. But it became dead clear to me when we began talking more. Then on, spare moments in my head were dedicated to me figuring out if our jokes and conversations were you tipping me off that you felt the same way. If you enjoyed talking to me the way I did to you. I imagined you not as a friend at all, but someone that made me somehow look forward to school every day. Today, I adore your smile. And I could tell you a lot of sappy things to prove it. How pretty you looked the night of our first date, how I forget things when you're looking at me, the way I don't care at all what I have to do to see you. I'm extremely happy things have turned out the way they have.
Every time we kiss and I feel you squeeze my hand back is a gift. Elaina, thank you for taking the chance on me, and please take this to comfort you if you ever need it. If this isn't intimidating to say, I want to do everything in my power to follow you to wherever we go in college. I know that might sound like a lot, but school will end sooner than both of us are probably ready for—and I want to take you to dinner for much longer than that. And I pray every night now that I'm accepted into U Mich, and that you understand how I feel about you. Here's to many more moments of sharing drinks together, holding each other, watching movies, dates out, smiling, and a lot more fake arguing. Happy Valentines Day Ms. Jehangir, and as always get home safely for me <3
- Ben